Next Meeting

Our Next Meeting will be our annual Holiday Tea! (this Event in sold out.)
This beautiful invitation was created by Karen Weir
Our next Meeting:
January 21st, 2025 – 1:00 pm
We’ll welcome Betty Patterson Del-Sol
Betty is a floriculture instructor, floral Judge, Lecturer and Business Advisor. 
She is bringing 4 Students and will give them floral assignments,  then she’ll judge them in 3 categories.  Watch them and learn! Her Program will start promptly @ 1:00 Come early and get a good seat!
Future Meetings
December 17
Our Members Only Holiday Tea 
January 21
Betty Patterson Del Sol, Floral Judge
“The How & Why of Creating a Floral Design”
(Betty will judge 4 different design shapes created by her students from Southwest College)
February 18
“Cooking & Baking with Edible Flowers”
Free class & cakes to be raffled off!
March 18
Steve Harbour – Landscape Design
“Landscape Design for Small Gardens”
April 15
Farmer Roy, Master Gardner from Poway Gardens:
“Tomato & Herbs”  He’s bringing a free tomato plant for everyone!